Jonah, Message and "Sign"!


Question:  What is a Parable?  What is the Book of Jonah?


IMO, a “Parable” is a descriptive story, with a strong meaning/s!

The Book of Jonah is describing Almighty God’s request to a man (Jonah); to go to a specific City to warn the residents of impending doom, because of their sinful ways, and ignoring God.

Because Jonah refused the Order from God, and tried to escape; he was swallowed by a “Great fish”, which after 3 days disgorged him on to the shore adjacent to the people he was supposed to warn!

He followed through God’s orders; and Nineveh was saved!

Jesus; when He was warning the Jews similarly, was asked to perform a miracle to convince them to that He was the promised “Messiah”.

He responded that they would not get a “sign”; other than the “sign of Jonah”; which pointed to His death and resurrection; which was of the same duration as Jonah’s stay in the belly of the “Great fish”!


See:  Jonah's Sign!    (Study)  


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